Coldblow Equestrian Centre
Not every applicant has the required experience and qualifications to enable them to get onto an Apprenticeship straight away. Perhaps an applicant isn’t entirely sure they actually want to commit for twelve months or more. A
Traineeship combines high quality work experience with vocational qualifications in Work Based Horse Care at a suitable level to start your career. The programme can take as long as 6 months but if a candidate can attend full time the syllabus can be completed & qualifications achieved in only 3-4 months.
A Traineeship also improves employability skills and helps with English and Numeracy skills. It’s a great way to get started in the equine industry and gives the underpinning knowledge necessary to enter an Apprenticeship.
Some of the training will be ‘on the job’ alongside our staff or more experienced students. It will help build up the necessary level of fitness required – an important factor for someone who has been largely classroom or office based! It will also include one free of charge riding lesson per week and one classroom or practical session on the Level One syllabus. The
riding lesson will be either a group or private session.
There is no pay offered for a Traineeship, but equally you will not be charged for the training. At the end of first month we will review progress and if satisfactory progress has been made may offer the Trainee a small contribution towards travel expenses.
Trainees may elect to pay for, and join other students at a suitable level, additional riding and care lessons to proceed through the BHS qualifications syllabus. Please see separate Ladder of Qualifications.
We can consider trainees who wish to keep a part time job going to help fund their training but it will be difficult for both you and us to keep you on track with the subjects and syllabus. For example, you may miss the session on feeding & nutrition because you weren’t in on that day, so you may struggle to keep up with the other learners here.